The Multiple Roles in Everyday Life

In preparation for writing about my slice of life today, I read a great post about who we are as writers

Jennie wrote about reading old blog posts and finding out who we are in different aspects of our lives. This made me think of who I am as a writer. Here is what I came up with:


Open one eye, then the other. Crawl out of bed, get ready for school. Step into the role of educator of 9 years. Dress responsibly. Check. Be early. Check.

Carpool home with roommate. On the way home sing the end of each line of the song on the radio a bit too loudly, knowing that kind of bugs her. Step into the role of a carefree friend.

At home, don an apron, put my roommate on sous chef duty and start chopping leeks, and carrots for a scallop dinner. Yell out “behind” every time I need to get a dish out of the cupboard. (In my mind, I am competing on Chopped) Judge the presentation and flavor outloud (mostly to myself) about how to add depth to the meal with butter and an acid. (You always need an acid). Master chef role accomplished.

Throw on my soccer uniform, race to the game and cheer on my team loudly. Get between the offense and the goal. Throw my weight around. Act tough. Be aggressive.

Get home, curl up on the couch and stare at the blank cursor. Wonder what to type. “Who am I as a writer? What role of I take on?” Sometimes as writers it can be intimidating to know where to begin because we are so complex. What do we believe? What part of ourselves do we want to highlight? Minimize? Are we superheroes or villains? Both?

I look forward to the slice of life writing for the month of March, about defining and redefining my role as writer, thinker, dreamer.


  1. Alan J Wright

    March 3, 2015 at 1:29 am

    One of our roles as writers is to wonder. you are fulfilling that role in this post. The roles of the writer are many. This is a good idea to share with students. It will help to broaden their idea of a writer beyond someone who writes ‘stories.’ Best wishes for your month of pondering this critical question.

  2. I enjoyed how your slice alternated between the busy action of your day and your internal thinking.

  3. Welcome!!!
    We are a community and we explore together. Glad you are jumping in with us this year.

  4. Theresa Lollis

    March 3, 2015 at 7:02 pm

    I have never really thought of my role as a writer, or even considered myself as one until recently when other people started saying it. I just thought of myself as a random over sharer. This gives me something to think about.

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